Running Fractal Time Using DOSBox The source code for Fractal Time has been lost, so the following two problems cannot be fixed by modifying the program directly:
- After the introduction the program asks to use the whole screen, but neither Windows 2000 nor Vista will not let it have it, so the program won't run (directly) under these two operating systems.
- Option G at the main menu, for copying a graph to the clipboard (so as to paste it into a graphics program), worked OK when the software was run under Windows 98 but it does not work with Windows XP.
Fortunately there is a solution to both these problems. There is a free program called DOSBox. This emulates an x86 computer running DOS. It is similar to the Command Prompt in Windows Accessories but, unlike the latter program, DOSBox enables you to copy the graphics screen to the clipboard. It can be installed under Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. DOSBox can be obtained by visiting
Detailed advice as to how to install DOSBox and how to run Fractal Time using it is given on this page on the USB flash drive.
Timewave Zero and the Fractal Time Software